Reflexology and colour therapy have their roots in the distant past. As individual therapies, they have tremendous therapeutic value. When used in conjunction with each other, they have shown their ability to both complement each other and accentuate the healing process.
Colour wheel depicting colour, with its complementary colour
The origin of reflexology, or zone therapy as it was called, still remains a mystery. One theory, mentioned by Dr. Fitzgerald, in his book Zone Therapy, is that it originated from China some 5,000 years ago as a form of pressure point treatment. Dr. Fitzgerald was an ear, nose and throat specialist, and must be credited for his part in reviving reflexology.
Another conjecture is that it began in Egypt. Evidence for this stems from an Egyptian tomb drawing dating back to 230BC. This drawing depicts four people. One person is being treated with foot massage and a second person with hand massage. Others credit its birth to the Incas. These were people of very ancient Peruvian civilisation, possibly reaching back to 1200BC. It is speculated that they passed their knowledge of zone therapy down to the North American Indians who, up to this present time, are still using this form of treatment.
Guidelines on Complementary Therapies
More people now choose to use complementary therapy when managing their health and well being. There are a wide variety of complementary therapies available. The level of qualification and length of training can vary among practitioners. Because of this, it is important to be sure that you make the right choice.