Pet Reflexology
Your cat has cancer because you have contained anger, says Reflexologist Kiannaa Leighland, who claims that pet health problems have nothing to do with the animals, but are actually a result of pent-up emotional problems of the owners.
She says animals strive to relieve human stress, and they internalize human issues, which manifest in pet health ailments. "They aren't the animals' issues," she said. "They get it from us."
She believes that through her animal version of reflexology, the human exercise of applying pressure to certain areas on the feet and hands to supposedly repair other parts of the body, she can discover not only what is wrong with the animal, but also exactly what is wrong with the human.
Guidelines on Complementary Therapies
More people now choose to use complementary therapy when managing their health and well being. There are a wide variety of complementary therapies available. The level of qualification and length of training can vary among practitioners. Because of this, it is important to be sure that you make the right choice.