National Register of Reflexologists (Ireland) Complaints Policy is to guarantee that each complaint by them or against them will be conducted in fairly manner and without prejudice.
1. Every formal complaint against one of the Members of the NRRI must be submitted in writing to the Registrar.
2. Registrar will forward the complaint to the Advisory Council for review.
3. The Advisory Council will discuss the issue, process pertinent investigation and/or mediation and will decide further action:
4. Case dismissed/Problem solved/no further action required
5. Official Warning to the Member
6. Termination of Membership
1. Every formal complaint against one of the NRRI Accredited School must be submitted in writing to the Registrar.
2. Registrar will forward the complaint to the Advisory Council for review.
3. ADvisory Council will discuss the issue, process pertinent investigation and/or mediation and will decide further action:
4. Case dismissed/Problem solved/no further action required
5. Official Warning to the School
6. Termination of School Accreditation
1. Every formal complaint against the NRRI Registry must be submitted in writing to the Registrar.
2. Registrar will forward the complaint to the Advisory Council for review.
3. Advisory Council will discuss the issue, process pertinent investigation and/or mediation and will decide further action:
4. Case dismissed/Problem solved/
5. Case forwarded to the Board of Directors for opinion and judgement.
Any proposed addition, deletion, or amendment to this Complaint Policy will be considered by the N.R.R.I. Advisory Council whose final decision will be notified to members.
Revised, May 2021